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Digital Signage: Food for thought

I was in a restaurant the other day and as usual the waiter gave us the spiel about the specials of the day. The specials sounded really good and it left me having to rethink my choices for dinner. By the time I went through the choices on the menu again I forgot what the specials were and not wanting to ask the waiter to repeat the spiel I was left undecided.

I know that the usual blackboard that you see in cafe’s was probably not going to tie in the daecor of this restaurant but they could have made it easier for the diner to make the choice. In this situation digital signage could have been the answer. With a few quick keystrokes the specials could appear on a screen in the restaurant and to make the specials look really good the restaurant could even upload pictures of the specials. Specials could be changed quickly and often with minimum fuss and without confusing diners.

Digital signage could also be used in restaurants to make functions more personal and special. Birthday messages, engagement pictures, videos and picture slideshows add to an occasion and allow the special guest/s of honour to have a night that they will remember. And the best part is that if you don’t want to use digital signage for an occasion the screen can just remain blank. There is no need to install equipment or climb ladders to put banners up or down. Digital signage is the easy answer.

So if you are a restaurant owner, think about how you can change your diner’s experience with digital signage.

Click here to view examples of digital signage in restaurants.


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