Events, News
Digital Signage: Taking advantage of popular events such as Melbourne Cup

Today is Melbourne Cup day in Australia – for those of you who don’t know what this event is about have a quick wiki read
You may be wondering “what is all the excitement about a horse racing event”, but like the “Superbowl” and any of the “World Cup Events” at approximately 3:00pm almost the whole nation stops to watch this event. Mind you, the event is also about dressing up for the glamour, drinking, gambling but more importantly, bringing people together to celebrate an annual horse race.
So just before the start of the race, millions of people in Australia have their eyes glue to screens to watch the event. If you’re a pub owner or a shop owner have you thought about ways of promoting your own products during this event? If not, then you’re obviously missing out on making money.
With the current digital signage technology out in the market, you will be able to display Live TV feeds whilst displaying your own advertising. Have a quick read of this previous post for more information about this technology.
Good luck to those who are placing bets!!!
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