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my Digital Signage – grow your business

The digital signage portal is a forum for promoting and growing YOUR business, with the aim to lift the level of awareness of your business and digital signage.

newdigitalsignageportalWe are excited to announce additional features to the digital signage portal website to make your experience and member profile more personalised. The whole intention for establishing the digital signage portal was to provide a means for businesses to connect with one another and also with potential customers but more importantly we wanted to centralise the digital signage community and information in one single location – that’s when the digital signage portal was born.

Now, here is a short list of some of the features we have recently added:

1. Biz Wall – you are now able to write messages on another member’s wall. Basically this can be used to share information with each other, keep each other updated and to improve communication.

2. myBlog – we have added the facility for registered members to create their own blog entries and share this with the rest of the digital signage community. We understand that most of you don’t have a business blog or don’t have either the technical expertise or knowledge to set one up. So we’ve done most of the hard work for you. All you have to do now is just post your entries.

3. myComments – you are now able to comment on articles and other peoples blog posts.

4. Member List – this is the list of all the current members registered on the portal and its something we forgot to originally include when we first launched the website. Think of this as a large contact list so you can get in touch with other registered members.

5. Twitter Status – for those of you that have a twitter account then you now have the option to display your twitter status on your profile.

6. myNoticeboard – yes this is your own noticeboard that you can use to add messages to your profile. You can use it to tell others what you’re doing…basically use it as a noticeboard.

7. More features – we’ve added so many other features which may take too long to list so why not log in to the digital signage portal and see it for yourself. We will soon be adding a dedicated page and video to capture all these features so keep an eye out for this.

For those of you who haven’t visited the website in a while, I highly recommend you to log back in and pay a visit and don’t forget to add your business logo to your profile in order to expose your business further – as you are already aware branding is very important.If you need help with this visit our F.A.Q section.

We always love to hear your feedback so let us know what you think or what you would like to see on the digital signage portal.

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