Digital Signage Klips: Japan random video klips

We received several short video klips from Hiro in Japan. The videos gives us a good idea of how digital signage has been implemented in Japan both in stores and also outdoors. This helps everyone understand how digital signage has been implemented in other countries and we look forward to receiving more Klips from other parts of the world. You can send them to us via email info@digitalsignageblog.com – for more information read the following post https://www.digitalsignageblog.com/2009/12/04/klips-share-your-digital-signage-snap/.
they seem effective if there is audio playing as part of the video clip. My understanding is that they are effective in influencing purchasing decisions. Given that they are relatively cheap and affordable, the ROI should be high. Maybe someone from japan can comment on this.
I am still up in the air with those small digital displays in grocery isles. Are they really going to produce good conversion rates?