lang="en-US"> Techie Question: Using a DVI to VGA convertor with a VGA CAT5E or CAT6 - Digital Signage Blog
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Techie Question: Using a DVI to VGA convertor with a VGA CAT5E or CAT6 extenders, does this work?

For those techies out there or for someone who has already tried this, does a DVI to VGA converter work with a VGA extender.

So as an example, we have a digital signage player or PC that has a DVI port ONLY. We plug a DVI to VGA extender, so the output is VGA. We then use a pair of VGA to CAT5E or CAT6 extenders and connect the other end to the monitor that is VGA. Does this work?

We would like to hear other techies out there what the result would be or whether this is technically possible.

Using a DVI to VGA convertor with VGA CAT5E/CAT6 extenders, does this work?

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