Weekend Fun
Weekend Fun: Japan Digital Signage Urinals

Looks like the Japanese has done it again – this time in the toilets. Sega has just launched a trial for this month at four male bathrooms in pubs and game arcades. Basically, you can play games using your urine. I while ago I blogged about Digital Signage: Location, location, location and how important it is to target the right audience and mentioned how toilets was an example of targeting a specific gender. I’m glad someone thought about this.
Now, each of the urinals has a pressure sensor installed with a small digital screen located at eye levels. The system visitors to play games and then an advertisement will be displayed at the end of the game. Some of the games available are:
Graffiti Erase – this is where the user needs to aim at at the pressure sensor to erase a virtual graffiti.
Mannekin Pis – this is named after the Brussels fountain depicting a boy uriniting. This games basically measures the amount of volume of the persons stream.
The North Wind and The Sun and Me – this game measure the strength of the urine stream and determines how much of the virtual girl’s skirt gets blown up by the digital wind – I’m pretty sure this game will be quite popular.
Splashing Battle – just another battle to see how has the stronger stream strength. You’ll be competing against the previous users.
Has anyone in Japan played any of these games? We’ll love to hear from you.
Here’s a video showing the games:
Only in Japan! Now that’s creative. I don’t think we’ll ever see those state side though.