Digital Signage Klips: A cool and interactive marketing system from BOSE

Here’s a klip of a cool and interactive marketing system from BOSE that was showcasing the SoundDock 10 digital music system for the iphone or the ipod. According to the reader there is a small LCD screen that is used to display video clips. The audio from the video clip is played to the SoundDock speakers and this is controlled through a panel on the corner.
[sm_smlts_colorbox title=”SEND US YOUR KLIP” color=”#006cba”]If you would like to share your digital signage snap with us and the digital signage community, please send in your klips to info@digitalsignageblog.com with a brief of your snap, including location where it was taken, your name and/or business name.[/sm_smlts_colorbox]
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