Digital Signage Klip: Hotel Digital Signage

Almost every hotel that you will visit will have one of these. They will greet you, provide you with useful information and entertain you. When you’re waiting, they will accompany you and even guide you in the right direction. Most importantly, it won’t talk back to you. Yes… it’s none other than Digital Signage screens.
Anna, who is currently in Canada for a holiday/working visa trip sent me this photo of a screen she saw in a hotel.
The screen may look busy at first but the information it provides is useful to the hotel patrons. Let’s have a look at the zones on the screen.
At the top there is the company logo, weather forecast and date/time. On the left hand side of the screen we have the weather video. In the middle, there’s the Message Board with specials and promotions. On the right hand side, there’s the Airport Timetable and at the bottom a News ticker. All useful information!

[sm_smlts_colorbox title=”SEND US YOUR KLIP” color=”#006cba”]If you would like to share your digital signage snap with us and the digital signage community, please send in your klips to info@digitalsignageblog.com with a brief of your snap, including location where it was taken, your name and/or business name.[/sm_smlts_colorbox]
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