Digital Signage Klips: Bank Of Montreal

Most banks that we’ve been to have digital signage. Why wouldn’t they have digital signage with all that profit they earn each year. That’s beside the point of this post but let’s talk about the benefits of using digital signage in banks. Here’s a few points:
– engage customers and increase awareness of products/services
– deliver targeted messages to customers waiting in a queue and reduce the perceived waiting time
– real time updates, for example rate changes or the latest stock exchange
Now our good friend Anna sent us more picture of a great implementation of digital signage in the Bank Of Montreal. Have a look at the below photos.
Mounting a screen on a wall is dead easy. Most installers can do this with their eyes closed (this is just a figure of speech – we don’t recommend installers do this with their eyes closed). But how about a pillar? How do you install a screen on a pillar? That’s a very interesting question but it’s not something we’re going to discuss today.
Here’s another picture of a 3 screen video wall. Notice how nicely it blends in with the lighting and feature wall.
I personally believe that the install would have been better if there was a way to mount the screens so you don’t see the vertical poles. I think they could have built a custom upside down U shaped pole would have looked much better.
[sm_smlts_colorbox title=”SEND US YOUR KLIP” color=”#006cba”]If you would like to share your digital signage snap with us and the digital signage community, please send in your klips to info@digitalsignageblog.com with a brief of your snap, including location where it was taken, your name and/or business name.[/sm_smlts_colorbox]
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