Guest Posts
Guest Post: Digital Signage for Retail- Attract, Convert and Retain Your Customers

Providing better customer experience is one of the primary goals of any successful business. These days, with the right and intelligent use of technology, a firm can improve its way of interaction with their customers. From retail to banking, education to healthcare, public to private, schools to shopping malls, restaurants to airports and subways; digital signage has found its way everywhere. This technology is helping global businesses achieve their strategic marketing and advertising goals. In this article, we’ll focus on digital signage solutions for the retail industry.
Today’s customer want to access products, services, discounts, information, reviews, and professional advice, whether they are online or in a physical store. Retailers can use this ‘information thirst’ to their advantage and deliver a multi-channel, interactive shopping experience.
A well-designed and well-placed retail digital signage can help retailers:
- Improve the in-house or in-store environment
- Increase the effectiveness of merchandising, in-house branding, and sales
- Communicate latest offers, deals, and discounts in an effective manner.
- Enhance operational efficiency of different areas of the store or place of business.
- Dynamically change your message on the basis of market research and trends.
- Offer rich media advertising program and earn revenue by placement of 3rd party advertisements.
- Tailor content based on time of the day, week, month or year.
- Share latest public interest information, like news, weather and sports.
Meeting the Buying Behavior Challenge:
Modern retail customers are more tech-savvy and equipped with mobile and latest communication technologies. With access to internet, rapid adoption of social networks, and booming mobile devices; consumer behavior is changing. To address this changing consumer behavior, retailers need to provide relevant and required information to convince customer for making a purchase. Customers are eager to learn about their favorite brands, latest discount offers, social media profiles of their brands, which they then share with their social network.
With the help of digital signage solutions, retailers can benefit from this behavior. Retailers must engage their customer with discount offers, social media profiles, loyalty programs, etc. in order to uplift their sales and create brand awareness
Adding Value to Physical Experience:
If you are seeking to add value to your customer’s experience and attract new customers; look for the solutions that will bring in interactivity. Digital signage for retail is aimed at not only providing product information and customer education but also to improve the brand image. By guiding customers to product and services, reducing wait time, providing quick information, and showcasing latest deals; a signage solution can bring stunning results to a physical retail environment.
Sales and Brand Development
A study has shown that 40% customers are influenced in their buying decisions by digital signage at the point of purchase. This indicates the strength of rich media content inside stores and retail outlets. By providing relevant information, latest deals, showcasing brand profiles, achievement, awards, and loyalty program; retailers across North America have generated millions of dollars’ worth of sales.
It has become very important for retailers to employ the latest digital media solutions. These not only improve interaction but sales, marketing, merchandising and overall brand experience. Finally finding the right partner to implement a digital signage solution is key. With the help of the right partner you can stay on budget and successfully achieve your desired in-store digital marketing results. I would recommend going with someone who not only can provide you with a complete end-to-end solution but also understands your over-all digital marketing strategy.
About Tahir Akbar
The author Tahir Akbar works for E Display as the Digital Marketing Manager. E Display is a leading provider of digital signage and interactive solutions to clients across the United States and Canada. You can follow E Display on Twitter @edisplayinc or for more information you can visit their website at:
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