A few weeks ago we were asked to visit a small retail store who was after a digital signage solution. The screen was to be positioned at the shop window facing the street. We went through our standard procedures and provided the options available and as always recommended the store owner to purchase a Commercial Grade screen. So we left, provided the customer a detailed quote which included a commercial screen, a stand and the professional costs. Now this week the customer calls back and asked if we can install his screen. I was a bit surprised because we never supplied the customer with a screen. When I asked what screen they purchased they said it’s a normal residential screen and that they just wanted us to supply the stand and install it. Unfortunately, I had to turn down the customer as we don’t install Residential Screens or don’t want to eventually get in a nasty warranty situation – it wasn’t worth the trouble or hassles. We suggested to the client to contact another company to see whether they are willing to install it… and I’m sure there will be.
[quote]Have you been in this kind of situation? What did you do?[/quote]
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We provide custom digital advertising solutions. We supply display screens, Video Walls, Touchscreens, Wayfinding, WordPress Plugins, create custom applications and basically implement any technology that is innovative.